Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Simple Stick User Guide - List of Contents

Simple Stick User Guide - Interfacing a LCD with Simple Stick

Simple Stick User Guide - Interfacing a LCD with Simple Stick

 The LCD interface on the Simple Stick lets you plug in a standard 16 pin LCD and drive it in 4-bit mode. Owing to the size of the Simple Stick and the fact that it has been designed to work on USB power, this LCD interface comes with a few trade offs
  • The Contrast Pin of the LCD is connected to a fixed resistor, so you will not be able to vary the contrast [Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how to overcome this ;) ]
  • The Backlight Power Supply uses a 470E resistor (to save current draw from USB) and as a result the back light will be very dim. [Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how to overcome this ;) ]
  • The Interface uses a fixed I/O for R/W mode select
  • The Interface is hard wired for 4-bit mode
  • The Interface works only with LCDs with the following Pin Mapping (commonly available!)

Character LCD - A Quick Overview
Here's an interesting Write up to get you understanding the working of LCDs

To try an LCD place it on the Simple Stick and run the Hello World Example under File->Examples->LiquidCrystal->Hello World, with the following changes

replace this line
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
LiquidCrystal lcd(3, 2, 0, 1, 4, 12, 6);

Heres a demo video of this code in action

Heres the code
// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(3, 2, 0, 1, 4, 12, 6);

void setup() {
  // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: 
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  // Print a message to the LCD.
  lcd.print("hello, world!");

void loop() {
  // set the cursor to column 0, line 1
  // (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  // print the number of seconds since reset:

Hacks to Overcome the LCD Shortfalls

Back light - To increase the intensity of the backlight, you can solder a resistor of lesser value between the 'BL-' pin and the GND pin on your LCD [Video Coming Soon!]

Contrast - You can achieve full contrast by directly grounding the Contrast Pin. Keeping this in mind, if you decrease the resistance value like in the above manner, you can increase the contrast.  Remember this time, you need to put in the resistor between the 'Contrast' pin and the GND pin on your LCD.  [Video Coming Soon!] Decreasing the contrast is not possible without de-soldering the fixed resistor.

Simple Stick User Guide - Working with the IR LED

Simple Stick User Guide - Working with the IR LED

The IR LED on board the Simple Stick lets you generate Remote Control Signals using your Simple Stick. Given the Simple Stick's stick format, this opens up a number of interesting possibilities... " say, you are working on your laptop in a coffee shop.. and you find the program on the television to be boring.. voila! there comes the Simple Stick, program it and zap the channels on the TV ;) " thats the kind of possibilities... (thats just a crazy example! we take no responsibility for the consequences you might end up in as a result of this!) you can take it upto building a 2-way communication system between 2 laptops using Simple Stick!

The IR led is connected to PIN 9 of the Simple Stick which is a PWM pin.

You can use the IRRemote Library [part of the simplestick_demo_code.rar] and program the IR LED to generate remote control signals.

To check, open the IrSendDemo example from under File -> Examples -> IRRemote

Now there are only 2 lines code required,
First creating an IRsend object and then using the IRsendobject.send function

IRsend irsend; // This line creates an IRsend object

irsend.sendSony(0xa90, 12); // This line sends the Power On/Off code of Sony 12bit remote controls

for sending signal using other protocols (NEC, RC5, etc..) the following functions are available

sendNEC(unsigned long data, int nbits)
sendSony(unsigned long data, int nbits)
sendRC5(unsigned long data, int nbits)
sendRC6(unsigned long data, int nbits)
sendPanasonic(unsigned int address, unsigned long data)
sendJVC(unsigned long data, int nbits, int repeat)
sendRaw(unsigned int buf[], int len, int hz)

The IRsend object will automatically use pin 9 on the Simple Stick.
Heres a simple program that sends the sony Power On signal when the push button is being pressed.


#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend;

void setup()


void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(11)==0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      irsend.sendSony(0xa90, 12); // Sony TV power code

Friday, 31 August 2012

Simple Stick User Guide - Working with TSOP IR Receiver

Simple Stick User Guide - Working with TSOP IR Receiver
The TSOP SM0038 is an IR receiver on the Simple Stick. The TSOP will help you to interface your TV remote with the Simple Stick and in the Process learn the basics of Wireless Communication. The TSOP is connected to pin digital 8.

The TSOP outputs a constant HIGH signal when idle and as it receives data, it tends to invert the data. i.e when an IR LED is transmitting data onto the TSOP, everytime the IR led goes high, the TSOP will go LOW and vice versa. Remote control signals are often bytes of data that is encoded and transmitted by pulsing(switching ON & OFF the IR LED at a specific frequency) Most TV remote controls work at 32-40 Khz frequency and most receivers can receive this range. 

Heres a link to a nice write up on different remote control protocols. lets first take a look how the Sony Remote Control Protocol Works. We stick to Sony as it is the easiest one to get started with. Read this before proceeding 

Here's a basic outline of how the data is sent. Every time you press a button on a Sony remote control, it sends out a 13Bit data. The first bit is a start bit indicating there are 12 bits of data following it. The next 7 bits are the command bit which will vary depending upon the keys being pressed. The last 5 bits are the address bits which will the same for all buttons but vary for remote controls of different devices.

The black bars in the following image correspond to high signals (called marks) and the white spaces in between correspond to low signals (called spaces). The duration of the 'marks' varies according to the bit being transmitted. It is 2.4ms for the start bit, 1.2ms for HIGH bit and 0.6ms for LOW bit. The duration of the 'spaces' is a constant 0.6ms. Every mark is followed by a space. Any data can be converted to binary format and transmitted in this manner. In fact this is the basic form of all types of serial communication.

Technique to decode this signal train, would be to constantly monitor the TSOP pin[Digital 8] for its normal state and the moment it produces a low signal, measure the duration of the low signal. If the measured duration of the low signal is around 2ms then measure and store the duration for the next 12 bits of the incoming data. After storing the data, evaluate the duration and based on the duration convert the data to decimal / hexadecimal and use it in your application.

The duration of a signal on an input pin of the arduino can be measured using the pulseIn function. Read more about this function here

There is an interesting IR remote library that can help you read different remotes without any difficulty. It can also generate different remote signals. It can be used to generate these remote control signals on the IR LED connected to the 9th pin of the Simple Stick (PWM pin).

You can download the IR remote library and other libraries, sample codes for the Simple Stick here -> Click Here to Download Simple Stick Sample Codes & Required Libraries[Right Click & use Save As]

How to use Libraries in Arduino - An Overview
To use any library you download, unzip the downloaded file and copy its contents to the libraries folder inside your arduino directory. You can check the library by opening the arduino ide and going to Sketch -> Import Library Option, if your library is in the proper location, it will show up here. Next if there is an example provided with the library (it will be inside a folder called example inside the base folder of the library) it will show up under the libraries name in the File->Examples Menu. You should reopen Arduino for the library to show up.

Once you install the IRremote, You can try the example program, IRrecvDemo. This program will give you a serial output of the HEX code for each value corresponding to each button on a remote. We will be using the decimal value in our next program. To get the decimal value, just do the following modification.

replace this line
int RECV_PIN = 11;
int RECV_PIN = 8;  and this line
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);

Here's a video of a simple project - A remote control interface for our Binary Counter.

Here's the source code for the same
  This sketch increases a 3 bit number every time '+' button is pressed and decreases the value when '-' button is pressed on the remote.It shows the output on 3 LEDs in Binary Format   
 #include <IRremote.h>  
 int RECV_PIN = 15;  
 IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);  
 decode_results results;  
 int i = 0;  
 void setup()  
  pinMode(11,OUTPUT);   // declare LED pins as output pins  
  irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the Remote receiver  
 void loop()  
  if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {  
   switch(results.value)  // if the '+' button is pressed  
   case 2320:   
    break;// 2320 is the value for '0'  
   case 16:   
    break;// 16 is the value for '1'  
   case 2064:   
    break;// 2064 is the value for '2'  
   case 1040:   
    break;// 1040 is the value for '3'  
   case 3088:   
    break;// 3088 is the value for '4'  
   case 528:   
    break;// 528 is the value for '5'  
   case 2576:   
    break;// 2576 is the value for '6'  
   case 1552:   
    break;// 1552 is the value for '7'  
   case 1168: // this is the value for the increment button  
    if(i<7)        // if counter value is less than 7 or 3 bits  
     i++;        // increment counter value  
   case 3216: // this is the value for the decrement button  
    if(i>0)        // if counter value is greater than 0 or 3 bits  
     i--;        // decrement counter value  
     i=7;        // reset counter to 7  
   int a=i%2;      // calculate LSB   
   int b=i/2 %2;     // calculate middle bit  
   int c=i/4 %2;     // calculate MSB   
   digitalWrite(11,c);  // write MSB  
   digitalWrite(12,b);  // write middle bit  
   digitalWrite(13,a);  // write LSB  
    irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value  

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Simple Stick User Guide - Programming the Push Button

Simple Stick User Guide - Programming the Push Button

In this tutorial, We'll see how to make use of the push button on the Simple Stick.

The push-button on the Simple Stick is designed to work with the internal pull-up resistor on the microcontroller. For your understanding, They will give a low signal when the button is pressed. Enabling the internal pull up on the microcontroller will keep the corresponding pin HIGH unless the button is being pressed. When the button is being pressed, the corresponding pin will go LOW.

The push-buttons is connected to Digital Pin 11

So lets try to write a Simple Program to glow an LED while a button is being pressed. Then we will improvise our Binary Counter Program by adding a button to it.
Heres a demo video
Heres the code, the comments are self-explanatory
 This sketch turns on the LED while the button is being pressed   
void setup()  
 pinMode(11,INPUT); // Declare the 11th pin as a input pin. The button is on the 11th pin  
 digitalWrite(11,HIGH); // enable the internal pullup resistor - Everytime you use a switch on the InduinoX, do this  
 pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // Our LED  
 void loop()  
 while(digitalRead(11)==0) // digitalRead(11) will read the current state of pin number 7 and give an output of '0' or '1'.   
 //In our case, the digitalRead() funciton will return a '0' when the button is being pressed and '1' when the button is not being pressed  
 // The Control will stay inside the while loop till the button is released  
 digitalWrite(13,HIGH); // Turn the LED ON  
 digitalWrite(13,LOW); // Turn the LED OFF when the control exits the While loop  

Now Here's the switch added to the Binary Counter

 This sketch increases a 3 bit number every time a button is pressed by the user and shows the output on 3 LEDs   
 int i = 0;  
 void setup()  
  pinMode(5,OUTPUT);   // declare LED pins as output pins  
  pinMode(11,INPUT);// Declare the 11th pin - Button - as a input pin. 
 void loop()  
  if(digitalRead(11)==0)  // if the button is pressed  
   if(i<7)        // if counter value is less than 7 or 3 bits  
    i++;        // increment counter value  
    i=0;        // reset counter to 0  
   int a=i%2;      // calculate LSB   
   int b=i/2 %2;     // calculate middle bit  
   int c=i/4 %2;     // calculate MSB   
   digitalWrite(5,c);  // write MSB  
   digitalWrite(10,b);  // write middle bit  
   digitalWrite(13,a);  // write LSB  
   while(digitalRead(11)==0);  // wait till button is released to avoid incrementing the counter again  
   delay(100);         // small delay to avoid debounce  

Simple Stick User Guide - Building a 3-Bit Binary Counter

Simple Stick User Guide - Building a 3-Bit Binary Counter

Ensure you have gone through our Simple Stick Overview Page before you go ahead with the Programming Tutorials.

A Binary Counter is an interesting project for the beginner to get started right after blinking an LED. A Binary counter is a simple counter that displays the current counter value in binary format. we have 3 On-board LEDs connected to Pins 5,10 &13 on the Simple Stick, we can use these to build a 3-bit binary counter that will automati cally increment every second and reset once it reaches 7.

We can assume the LED connected to PIN 13 to be the LSB [Least Significant Bit] and the LED connected to PIN 5 as the MSB [Most Significant Bit] . We can have a counter variable that we can increment till 7 and reset to 0 on reaching 7.

Now Lets take a look at the logic

Heres how a Binary counter will work
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
...... and on

If you notice, the LSB is toggling every cycle, the Middle Bit is toggling every 2 cycles and the MSB is toggling every cycle, To achieve this effect, we can use the MOD operator (%)

Counter % 2 will produce an alternating output of '1' & '0' that changes every cycle

(Counter/2) % 2 will produce an alternating output of '1' & '0' that changes every 2 cycles(whatever you divide by!)

(Counter/4) % 2 will produce an alternating output of '1' & '0' that changes every 4 cycles

Heres a Demo Video of the same

Heres the code for this... 
 This sketch automatically increases a 3 bit number every second  
 and shows the output on 3 LEDs   
 void setup()  
  pinMode(5,OUTPUT);   // declare LED pins as output pins  
 void loop()  
  for(int i=0;i<8;i++)  // increment automatically from 0 to 7  
   int a=i%2;      // calculate LSB   
   int b=i/2 %2;     // calculate middle bit  
   int c=i/4 %2;     // calculate MSB   
   digitalWrite(5,c);  // write MSB  
   digitalWrite(10,b);  // write middle bit  
   digitalWrite(13,a);  // write LSB  
   delay(1000);     // wait for a second  

Enjoy... and feel free to drop us an email with questions you might have -> info@simplelabs.co.in

Simple Stick - Getting Started Guide

Simple Stick - Getting Started Guide
  1. Download the latest version of Arduino for Windows from here => http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
  2. Unzip the downloaded file and remember its location
  3. Connect the Simple Stick to your PC using the usb cable provided. You should see the power (red) led go on on the Simple Stick.
  4. Windows will detect a new usb device. Ignore any options to install drivers and Do not let windows install any drivers automatically.
  5. Open windows device manager
    • You can open windows device manager by right clicking on 'My Computer' and choosing Properties. In the new Window, Click on Device Manager [In Windows XP, this can be found under 'Hardware Tab' of the Properties Window]
  6. Now Scroll Down the List of Devices in the Device Manager till you come to a Device 'Arduino Leonardo'. You should see a warning icon next to it as the drives have not been installed. Right Click on this Device and Choose 'Update Driver Software...' option.
  7. Now, Windows will provide you two options, Choose the one that says “Locate and install drivers manually from a specific Location.”
  8. In the next screen, you will see a browse button, click on the button and browse to the location of the drivers folder[You will find the drivers folder inside the unzipped arduino folder] and then click 'OK'. Then Click 'Next'
  9. The Device will be installed as a 'Arduino Leonardo (COMXX)', You should be able to see a new device 'Arduino Leonardo (COMXX)'. Make a note of this Number.
  10. Now go the unzipped Arduino folder and run the arduino.exe file
  11. The Arduino IDE will open up
  12. In the Arduino IDE open the 'blink' example program by clicking on it from under File -> Examples -> Basics
  13. Now select the board by going to Tools -> Boards -> and selecting 'Arduino Leonardo'
  14. Now select the Serial Port by going to Tools -> Serial Port -> and selecting the 'COM port that was earlier shown in the device manager'
  15. Now Click on the Upload button. In a moment, you should see 2 LEDs Rx & Tx blink on your Simple Stick indicating the program being uploaded. Once the program is uploaded, you will see the White LED[13th Pin] on the Simple Stick Blink
Thats it! We are Done!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Simple Labs' Simple Stick and Arduino Leonardo Comparison

Simple Labs' Simple Stick and Arduino Leonardo Comparison

What is Simple Stick?

Simple Stick is an indian made Arduino clone board. Simple Stick is a USB Stick format clone of the Arduino Leonardo. It is functionally very similar to the Arduino Leonardo however the Stick format comes at the cost of Physical size differences.
About 3 years back, we designed our first Arduino Clone the Induino. We named it Induino to add to our pride of having made it in India. The Induino was an affordable arduino clone that was priced at 800/- [The cheapest to be sold on some scale at that time!] however the Induino evolved over a period of time to include many on-board peripherals increasing the experimentation capabilities and became the InduinoX. Now following the InduinoX, we have built the Simple Stick, taking  a deviation from the Standard Arduino Format.
Comparison Table
Parameter                                     Simple StickArduino Leonardo



ICSP Programming HeadersYesYes

On-Board Rx Tx LEDs  

On-Board IO LEDs  
[PIN 05,10 & 13]
[PIN 13]

On-Board Push Buttons
[PIN 11]

On-Board Resettable Fuse

On-Board TSOP 
(Remote Cotnrol Receiver)
[PIN 8]

On-Board IR LED
(Generates Remote Control Signals)
[PIN 9]

LCD Interface to Plug in LCD Directly

Shield Compatible

USB Connector Type

Programming IDE

Works on USB Power

External Power Supply Connector
No - Needs 5VoltsDC Adaptor Jack

Here are both the boards side by side. Simple Stick on the Left Side and Arduino Leonardo on the right side.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Simple Stick - An Overview

Simple Stick - An Overview

Simple Stick

The Simple Stick is a USB stick format electronics prototyping board based on the Popular Arduino Leonardo board. It is based on the ATmega32u4 micro controller and can be programmed using Arduino IDE without any modification. The ATmega32u4 comes with build in USB communication and so the board works without a dedicated controller for USB communication. This also opens up the possibility of the board to become a HID device like a mouse, keyboard, etc (loads of fun experimentation! ;) ) The board comes with on-board peripherals that can introduce the beginner to the world of electronics and microcontroller programming and go on to building interesting projects - game controllers, media remotes, etc.

Heres an introduction video

Operating Voltage5V
Input Voltage (recommended)5V
Digital I/O Pins20 [18 of this are brought out in the headers / 2 are dedicatedly allocated for the IR received and IR transmitter]
PWM Channels7[only 6 are available for the user. the 7th one has been allocated for the IR led]
Analog Input Channels10[2 of these again used by the IRs]
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA
Flash Memory32 KB (ATmega32u4) of which 4 KB used by bootloader
SRAM2.5 KB (ATmega32u4)
EEPROM1 KB (ATmega32u4)
Clock Speed16 MHz

Hardware on-board

The following is a list of hardware on-board with their respective pin numbers on the Simple Stick

LED 1 (red)    : Pin 5 (PWM)
LED 2 (blue)   : Pin 10 (PWM)
LED 3 (white)  : Pin 13 (PWM)


IR LED : Pin 9 (PWM)

TSOP   : Pin 8


There are three LEDs on the Simple Stick (red, blue and white) connected to pins 5, 10 and 13 respectively. Every LED is connected to the micro-controller with a 470 ohm resistor in series, to limit the amount of current flowing through it. 

Tactile Switch

The tactile switch on Pin 11 is to be used in active-low mode[give a HIGH logic when not being pressed and a LOW logic when pressed]. The Internal Pull-up resistor of the micro-controller should be enabled to use the switche. To Enable the internal pullup resistor, use the pinMode(8,INPUT_PULLUP) function.


The TSOP SM0038 is an IR receiver. The TSOP will help you to interface remotes with your Simple Stick and in the Process learn the basics of Wireless Communication. The TSOP is connected to pin digital 8.


The IR LED is connected to pin 9. Using this, you can simulate remote control signals for various devices. [You can build universal remotes using the Simple Stick] You can also use this along with the TSOP and build a simple low-cost wireless communication system. An NPN transistor(IN2222A) switches the IR LED through a 10 ohm resistor.

External Hardware Interface
In Addition to the On-Board Hardware, The Simple Stick comes with interfaces for interfacing External Hardware. 

LCD Interface
The Simple Stick comes with a Simple Interface to Plug an LCD directly onto the Simple Stick. The LCD interface is designed to work with 4-bit mode only. This interface will work with most 16 bit LCDs using the following Pin Mapping. 
 A Fixed 1K resistor is used for Contrast.

LCD PIN MAPPING: (4-bit mode only)
RS  -> PIN 3
RW -> PIN 2
E    -> PIN 0
D4  -> PIN 1
D5  -> PIN 4
D6  -> PIN 12
D7  -> PIN 6

You can download Libraries & Sample codes for the Simple Stick here -> Click Here to Download Simple Stick Sample Codes & Required Libraries[Right Click & use Save As]